Friday 18 February 2011

Target Audience Questionnaire

Target audience questionnaire

Q1) Do you enjoy music from the indie genre?

Q2) Do you prefer indie rock to indie?

Q3) Would you pay money for a cd /download from an indie genre?

Q4) If we were to create a magazine advertisement would you expect it to be colourful?

Q5) Do you prefer music with romance style lyrics more than any other?, if no the other style you most prefer is ……………………….

Q6) Do you come from the age bracket of 16-19?

Q7) Do you own a personal music playing device i.e. ipod, mp3/4?

Q8) What for you are the most memorable music videos and why?

Q10) What would you expect to see in an Indie music video?


Q11) Here is a couple of lines from the song “Naïve2, how do you interpret these lyrics.

I know that she knows that I'm not fond of asking
True or false it may be
She's still out to get me

Allocation Of Roles

For our practical production Alex and I decided that he would be the main charactor for all the performance shots and I would do the narative shots.
We decided this becasue those parts were better suited to us. We are yet to film the narative shots. Our final allocation was for "boy 2" and "girl 2" these will be played by friends of ours.